Verstegen Kruidenmix Bobotie voor 2 personen / Spice mix for Bobotie for 2 people
Availability: In stock
Contents: 18g
Bobotie is een Zuid-Afrikaanse ovenschotel met onder andere gehakt en rozijnen. Super lekker en makkelijk om te maken met deze kruidenmix!
Bobotie is a South African casserole dish with minced meat and raisins. Super tasty and easy to make with this spice mix!
Need to add to spice mix (for 2 people): 175 g (vegetarian) minced meat, 1 onion, 3 spring onions, 250 g green beans, 1 apple, 50 g raisins, 100 ml water, 125 g crème fraîche (sour cream), 2 eggs, 100 ml milk.
Preparation method: preheat the oven to 190 °C. Chop the onion, cut spring onion, green beans and apple into pieces. Beat the egg with milk. Roll the minced meat. Fry vegetables and fruit briefly. Add the spice mix, deglaze with water, bring to the boil and let simmer for 2 minutes. Add crème fraîche. Pour the mixture into an oven dish. Divide the egg-milk mixture over it. Bake in the oven for 30-35 minutes until golden brown.
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