Timson Rinse Appelstroop / Dutch Apple Spread 450g


Availability: In stock

Contents: 450g


Timson Rinse Appelstroop

Deze rinse appelstroop wordt van oudsher gegeten op de boterham, in combinatie met bijv. kaas of worst, op de pannenkoeken of gebruikt bij de bereiding van vleessaus.
Zoutgehalte uitsluitend toe te schrijven aan van nature voorkomend natrium
Rijk aan ijzer

Timson Apple Spread or apple butter. In Europe, an apple butter is traditionally made which is closer to dense syrup, in the Netherlands (known as appelstroop, meaning apple syrup) and in Germany (known as Apfelkraut) and frequently eaten on bread

This Apple Spread is traditionally eaten on bread with cheese or sausage, pancakes or used in the preparation of meat sauce. A real Dutch delicacy and rich in iron




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